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communicate information about the Christian faith
Personal Testimonies skip to >>
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Events of Jesus’ Birth (Christmas) skip to >>
Jesus’ Resurrection (Easter) 极速安全加速器 安卓
Is Belief In God Reasonable? 极速安全加速器 安卓
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Abortion skip to >>
Apologetics (What It Is?) skip to >>
There is only one good reason to believe in God —
if He really exists! And, if He does exist, there is
no good reason not to believe He exists!
Christianity has withstood rigorous intellectual challenge for over 2,000 years. The essential message of Facts & Faith is that the truth claims of Christianity are not only rationally supported by scientific, philosophic and historical evidence, but that genuine Christianity offers a life of great meaning, hope and freedom.
Based on biblical principles, Facts & Faith seeks to fairly address issues raised by skeptics and provide objective summaries of Christian truth claims (including differing points of view) so the claims of Christianity may be fairly considered by sincere truth seekers.
“We do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.”
God working in the lives of peopleAtheists Turning to Christianity
Evolutionist and Biology Professor – Richard Lumsden, Ph.D here >>
“With flesh protesting every inch of the way, I found myself walking forward, down to the altar. And there, found God!”
Yale Law School Graduate and Legal Journalist – Lee Strobel here >>
“[T]he New Testament is rooted in eyewitness testimony and … it passes the tests that historians routinely use to determine reliability.”
Scientists Who Believe in God
Astrophysicist — Hugh Ross, Ph.D here >>
I proved to myself “that the Bible was more reliable than many of the laws of physics. My only rational option was to trust the Bible’s authority to the same degree as I trusted the laws of physics.”
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Quadriplegic at Age 17 — Joni Eareckson Tada here >>
“[L]ooking at everything that accident has led to? I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Nazi Death Camp Survivor – Corrie ten Boom here >>
“There is no pit so deep that the love of God is not deeper still.“
Terminal Cancer Diagnosis – Dick Hanson 极速安全加速器 安卓
When the doctor asked what he would say if the news wasn’t good, Dick responded, “I would say, ‘I have peace with my Lord. I know where I’m going and I am ready to go.”
Challenges to Faith on the College Campus
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“There are very good reasons to believe God exists and no good reason to believe he does not.”START HERE ➤ INTRODUCTORY SUMMARY: The Self-Existent, Transcendent and Eternally Existing God Described in the Bible is the Best Explanation for the Existence of the Universe 极速安全加速器 安卓
Because the attributes of the God of the Bible are strikingly consistent with what logic and science teach to be true about the cause of the universe (more>>), Christian apologists maintain that belief in the God of the Bible is not only a rational belief, but may be the most rational belief possible especially since it is supported by multiple independent lines of argument, including the following:
1. God’s Existence Best Explains Why Anything Exists
Why Does Anything Exist Rather than Nothing? (An Argument for the Necessity of a First Uncaused Cause) (here>>)
Since nothing has ever been scientifically demonstrated to come into existence from true nothing (no time, no space, no matter, no energy), the best explanation of why anything exists is the existence of a first uncaused cause (like the self-existent, eternal, transcendent Creator) described in the Bible.
2. God’s Existence Best Explains Why the Universe Began to Exist
God’s Existence Best Explains the Universe Coming into Existence (The Kalam Cosmological Argument) (here>>)
The Kalam Cosmological Argument is a deductive argument which is stated by Christian philosopher William Lane Craig as follows:
Premise No. 1: Everything that begins to exist has a cause
Premise No. 2: The universe began to exist
Conclusion: Therefore, the universe had a cause for its coming into existence
The universe coming into existence is also consistent with the creation of the universe by a self-existent, eternal, transcendent Creator like the God described in the Bible. Moreover, belief that a self-existent, transcendent, eternal Creator brought the universe into existence is more intellectually satisfying than the belief of atheists that the universe came into existence without a cause — from nothing, by nothing and, ultimately, for nothing.
3. God’s Existence Best Explains the Design Scientists Observe in the Universe
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“A commonsense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect has monkeyed with physics, as well as chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.” — Fred Hoyle, Cosmologist
Because of all the just-right qualities which operate perfectly together and, thereby, permit life to exist on Planet Earth, even secular scientists refer to Earth as the Goldie Locks Planet:
■ The Forces of Physics are Just-Right (here >>)
■ Development of the Universe was Just-Right (极速安全加速器 安卓)
■ The Milky Way galaxy is Just-Right (极速安全加速器 安卓)
■ Earth’s Solar System is Just-Right (here >>)
■ Planet Earth is 极速安全加速器 安卓 (here >>)
4. God’s Existence Best Explains Why Objective Morality Exists
5. God’s Existence Best Explains Why Our Lives Really Matter
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If God Created the Universe, Who Created God? (here >>)
“Since the God of the Bible is an eternal being who never came into existence, God is not an effect that requires a cause to explain His coming into existence.”
Does the Big Bang Eliminate the Need for a Creator? (here >>)
Instead of disproving God created the universe, the Big Bang provides scientific evidence for an ultimate beginning of the universe that points to a transcendent creative source.
Does Our Vast Universe Display such “An Awful Waste of Space” that it Discredits a Rational Belief in the God of the Bible? (here >>)
The universe must not only be as vast as it is to support life, but the creation of such a vast universe which houses the speck of dust we live on makes a point about our Creator, not us.
Is Belief in God an Emotional Crutch for Emotionally and Psychologically Weak People? (here >>)
六毫秒加速器App-六毫秒加速器下载 1.0.1 安卓版-新云软件园:2021-6-12 · 六毫秒加速器 1.0.1 安卓版 海外党的网络加速应用 授权方式:免费软件 软件类型:国产软件 软件大小: 11.47 MB 推荐星级: 软件来源:成都俊云科技有限公司 更新时间:2021-06-12 16:23
What’s the Chance the Universe Came into Existence “by Chance”? (here >>)
Whatever mathematical probabilities are described by chance, “极速安全加速器 安卓” is not a causal force; therefore, “chance” cannot do anything or cause anything.
Challenges Multi-Universe Theorists Face in Relying on Other Universes to Explain Design 极速安全加速器 安卓
“Multi-universe theorists are forced to make a blind bet that an infinite number or other universes actually exist, a bet that requires the laws of physics to be violated….” — Hugh Ross, Astrophysicist
Why Aren’t Multi-Universes the Most Rational Explanation for the Design Observed in the Universe? After all, if the universe wasn’t life-permitting, we wouldn’t be here to observe it. (here >>)
The fact that we would only be alive to observe the universe if it was a life permitting universe only demonstrates that a perfectly designed, life-permitting universe exists; but, it says nothing about why a life-permitting universe exists.
Does Stephen Hawking’s Proposed “Imaginary Time” Eliminate the Need for a Creator? (here >>)
Models which rely on imaginary time to eliminate the need for a beginning to the universe (thereby eliminating the need for a Beginner) are not realistic descriptions of the universe. All models which realistically describe the universe require a beginning.
Is Man’s Self-Centeredness the Reason Men 极速安全加速器 安卓 the Universe Was Designed? A Response to the Fleas on a Dog Analogy (here >>)
Man’s self-centeredness is irrelevant. While a self-centered flea may assume the dog it lives on was designed for that purpose, that assumption doesn’t prove one way or the other whether the dog was designed for that purpose or some other purpose.
Young Earth vs. Old Earth Views“The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him.”
— 极速安全加速器 安卓
START HERE ➤ INTRODUCTORY SUMMARY: Young Earth or Old Earth? — An Impartial Overview of the Creation “Days” Debate (here >>)
Differing Views of the Genesis Creation Account
While all Christians agree God created the universe, there is disagreement about when God’s creative works took place, 极速安全加速器 安卓 God took to complete creation, the extent of God’s role in creation and whether the creation account in Genesis was intended to be interpreted literally or in some other fashion.
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➤ Young Earth Views (i.e., Earth is about 6,000 – 10,000 years old)
1. 24-Hour Day View — Arguments for and Against 极速安全加速器 安卓
➤ Old Earth Views (i.e., Earth is about 4.5 billion years old)
1. Day-Age View — Arguments for and Against (here >>)
2. 极速安全加速器 安卓 View (summary)
3. Literary Framework View (summary)
4. Gap View (summary)
5. Analogical Day View (summary)
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How Can Creation Days 1 – 3 be Literal 24-Hour Days if the Sun Wasn’t Created Until Day 4? (article)
What Is God Like?➤ God is Knowable
➤ God is Eternal
What Does it Mean for God to be Eternal? (article)
“… God’s being eternal means that God exists without beginning or end. He never comes into or goes out of existence; rather His existence is permanent.“ — William Lane Craig
➤ God is Self-Existent (Transcendent)
In contrast to everything and everyone within the created order which exist “ab alio” (i.e., through another), God is self-existent and does not depend on anything outside of himself for his existence.
➤ God is Triune (One in 极速安全加速器 安卓 but Three in Person; One What but Three Whos)
Is the Doctrine of the Trinity Irrational? How Can God be Both Three and One? (article)
The Trinity is Not Three Parts Which Together Equal One God (article)
If God is a Trinity, Why Isn’t the Word “Trinity” in the Bible?” 极速安全加速器 安卓
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Jesus' BirthSTART HERE ➤ INTRODUCTORY SUMMARY: The Christmas “Star” – Fact, Fiction or Miracle?
Proposed Explanations for the Christmas “Star”
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The Christmas “Star” was a Comet? 极速安全加速器 安卓
The Christmas “Star” was a Recurring Nova? (article)
The Christmas “Star” was a Meteor (Fireball)? 极速安全加速器 安卓
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➤ King Herod
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极速安全加速器 安卓The Resurrection Best Explains Jesus’ After-Death Appearances to Multiple Eye-Witnesses
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What Is It?Why Apologetics is Crucial for Christians Living in Today’s Pluralistic and Increasingly Godless Society? (article)
Christians now have the benefit of over 2,000 years of intellectual investigation and reflection by very well-respected scientists, philosophers and theologians. It is simply unwise for Christians to fail to educate themselves and their children about the rational foundations of the Christian faith.
Engaging in the Intellectual War being Waged Against Christianity on College Campuses 极速安全加速器 安卓